— iPod touch 1st generation
— iPod classic 160GB
— iPod classic 120GB
— iPod classic
— iPod with video
— iPod nano 6th generation
— iPod nano 5th generation
— iPod nano 4th generation
— iPod nano 3rd generation
— iPhone 4S
— iPhone 4
— iPhone 3GS
— iPhone 3G
— iPhone
The song information (tag)can be saved from
the broadcasting stationto your iPod. The songs
will show upin a playlist called “Tagged playlist”
in iTunes thenext time you sync youriPod. Then
you can directlybuy the songs you want from
the iTunes Store.
The tagged songsand the song that youcan buy
from the iTunesStore may be different. Make
sure to confirmthe song before you make the
If you cannot usethis function normally, update
your iPod firmware.
Sequence of audio files
The user cannot assignfolder numbers and
specify playback sequenceswith this unit.
Example ofa hierarchy
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
: Folder
: Compressed
audio file
01 to05: Folder
1 to6: Playback
Folder selectionsequence or other operation
may differ dependingon the encoding or writing
External storage device (USB)
The playback sequenceis the same as there-
corded sequence inthe external storage device
To specify theplayback sequence, the following
method is recommended.
1 Createa file name that includesnumbers
that specify the playbacksequence (e.g.,
001xxx.mp3 and 099yyy.mp3).
2 Put those files intoa folder.
3 Savethe folder that contains the filesto the
external storage device(USB).
However, dependingon the systemenvironment,
you may notbe able to specify the playbackse-
For USBportable audio players, the sequenceis
different and dependson the player.
Using the display correctly
! If liquid or foreign mattershould get inside
this unit, turnoff the power immediately and
consult your dealeror the nearest authorized
PIONEER Service Station. Donot use the
unit in thiscondition because doing so may
result in fire,electric shock, or other failure.
! If you notice smoke,a strange noise or smell,
or any otherabnormal signs from thedisplay,
turn off the powerimmediately and consult
your dealer orthe nearest authorized
PIONEER Service Station. Usingthis unit in
this condition mayresult in permanent dam-
age to thesystem.
! Do not disassemble ormodify this unit, as
there are high-voltagecomponents inside
which may causeelectric shock. Be sure to
consult your dealeror the nearest authorized
PIONEER Service Station for internalinspec-
tion, adjustments, orrepairs.
Handling the display
! Never touch the screenwith anything be-
sides your finger when operating thetouch
panel function. Thescreen can scratch
! When the displayis subjected to direct sun-
light for a longperiod of time, it willbecome
very hot resulting in possibledamage to the
LCD screen. Youshould avoid exposing the
display unit todirect sunlight as much as
! The display should beused within the tem-
perature range of14°F to 140°F.
At temperatures higheror lower than this op-
erating temperature range,the display may
not operate normally.
! The LCD screenis exposed in order to in-
crease its visibilitywithin the vehicle. Do not
press it strongly onit as this may damageit.
! Do not push theLCD screen forcefully as
this may scratchit.
Liquid crystal display (LCD) screen
! Heat from the heatermay damage the LCD
screen, and coolair from the cooler may
cause moisture toform inside the display re-
sulting in possibledamage.
! Small black dots or whitedots (bright dots)
may appear on theLCD screen. These are
due to the characteristicsof the LCD screen
and do notindicate a malfunction.
! When using a cellularphone, keep the an-
tenna away fromthe display to prevent dis-
ruption of the videoimage by the
appearance of spots,colored stripes, etc.
LED (light-emitting diode) backlight
! At low temperatures,using the LEDbacklight
may increase imagelag and degrade the
image quality dueto the characteristics of
the LCD screen. Image quality will improve
with an increasein temperature.
! To protect theLED backlight, the display will
darken in the followingenvironments:
— In the direct sunlight
— Near the heater vent
! The product lifetimeof the LED backlight is
more than 10000 hours. However, itmay de-
crease if used inhigh temperatures.
! If the LED backlightreaches the end of its
product lifetime, thescreen will become dark
and the imagewill no longer be projected.In
such cases, please consultyour dealer or the
nearest authorized PIONEERService Station.
Keeping the display in good
! When removing dust fromthe screen or
cleaning the display, first turnthe system
power off, then wipe witha soft dry cloth.
! When wiping thescreen, take care not to
scratch the surface. Do notuse harsh or
abrasive chemical cleaners.
Bluetooth profiles
In order to useBluetooth wireless technology,
devices must beable to interpret certain pro-
files. This unit iscompatible with the following
! GAP (Generic Access Profile)
! SDP (Service Discovery Protocol)
! OPP (Object Push Profile)
! HFP (Hands Free Profile)
! HSP (Head SetProfile)
! PBAP (Phone BookAccess Profile)
! A2DP (Advanced AudioDistribution Profile)
Additional information
Additional information