
Out of 2 Ratings

Owner's of the Weed Eater Trimmer WE EL-13TNE gave it a score of 4.0 out of 5. Here's how the scores stacked up:
  • Reliability

    4.0 out of 5
  • Durability

    4.0 out of 5
  • Maintenance

    4.0 out of 5
  • Performance

    4.0 out of 5
  • Ease of Use

    4.0 out of 5
of 10
WARNING: Whenusing electric gar-
dening appliances, basic safety precautions
must always be followed to reduce the risk of
fire, electric shock, and serious injury. Read
and follow all instructions.
This power unit can be dangerous! Operator
is responsible for following the warnings and
instructions in this manual and on the unit.
Read entire instruction m anual before using
unit! Be thoroughly familiar with the controls
andthe properuse ofth eunit. Restrict theuse
of this unit to persons who read, understand,
and follow unit and m anual warnings and
instructions. Never allow children to operate
this unit. Close attention is necessary when
used near children.
DANGER: Never use blades or flail-
ing devices. Unit is designed for line trimmer
use only. Use of any other accessories or at-
tachments will increase the risk of injury .
WARNING: Trimmer line throws ob-
jects violently. Youand others can be blinded/
injured. Wear safety glasses, boots, and leg
protection. Keep body parts clear of rotating
Safety Glasses or similar eye protection
Hazard Zone
15 m
50 ft.
Keep children, bystanders, and animals 50
feet(15 meters) away. If approached stopunit
immediately .
If situations occur which are not covered in
this manual, use care and good judgement. If
you need assistance, call 1-800-554-6723.
S Dress properly. Always wear safety
glasses or similar eye protection when op-
erating, orperforming maintenanceonyour
unit.(Safety glasses are available.) Always
wear faceor dustmask ifoperationisdusty.
Always wear heavy, long pants, long
sleeves, boots,and gloves. Donot gobare-
foot or wear sandals.
S Secure hair above shoulder length. Secure
or remove loose clothing and jewelry or
clothing with loosely hanging ties, straps,
tassels, etc. They can be caught in moving
S Being fully covered also helps protect you
from debris and pieces of toxic plants
thrown by spinning line.
S Stay Alert. Do not operate unit when you
are tired, ill, upset or under influence of al-
cohol, drugs, or medication. Watch what
you are doing; use common sense.
S Avoid unintentional starting of the unit.
Never carry unit with your finger on the
switch. Be sure the switch is in the OFF
position and never touch the switch when
connecting extension cord.
WARNING: Avoid adangerous envi-
ronment. To reduce the risk of electrical
shock, donot usein rain,in dampor wet loca-
tions, or around swimming pools, hot tubs,
etc. Do not expose to snow , rain, or water to
avoid the possibility of electrical shock.
S Use a voltage supply as shown on unit.
S Avoid dangerous situations. Do not use in
the presence offlammable liquids or gases
to avoid creating a fire or explosion and/or
causing damage to unit.
S To reduce the risk of electrical shock, this
equipment has a polarized plug (one blade
is wider than the other) and will require the
use of a polarized extension cord. The ap-
pliance plug will fit into a polarized exten-
sion cordonly oneway . If theplug does not
fit fully into the extension cord, reverse the
plug. If the plug still does not fit, obtain a
correct polarized extension cord. A polar-
ized extension cord will require the use ofa
polarized wall outlet. This plug will fit into
the polarized wall outlet only one way. If
plug does not fit fully into the wall outlet, re-
versethe plug.Ifitstilldoes notfit, contacta
qualifiedelectricianto installthe properwall
outlet. Do not change the equipment plug,
extension cord receptacle, or extension
cord plug in any way.
S To reduce risk of electrical shock, use ex-
tension cords specifically marked as suit-
able for outdoor appliances having electri-
cal rating not less than the rating of unit.
Cord must be marked with suffix “W--A” (in
Canada “W”). Make sure your extension
cordis in goodcondition. Inspect extension
cordbeforeuseandreplaceif damage d.Do
not use a damaged cord. Cord insulation
must be intact with no cracks or deteriora-
tion. Plugconnectorsmustbeundamaged.
An undersized extension cord will cause a
drop inline voltage resulting in loss of pow-
erand overheating. Ifindoubt, usethenext
heavier gauge. The lower the gauge num-
ber, the heavier the cord (see SELECT AN
S Do not use multiple cords.